Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oriental Institute Research Archives Staff 1973-2012

This is a listing of the librarians and staff of the Oriental Institute Research Archives from its founding in 1973 until today. It is based partly on information included in the Oriental Institute Annual Reports, and partly on my own memory. The first section is a chronological list, the second section an alphabetical list. If I have inadvertently omitted anyone, please let me know, and I will add them instantly.

[First published February 8 2008, updated with 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 staff names on February 17, 2008; updated 21 September 2009 with 2008-2009 staff names; updated 10 March 2013 with staff names]

2011-2012 Foy Scalf (Librarian)
Laura Holzweg
Jill Waller
Ahmet Tunc Sen
Taylor Coplen
Melissa Bellah

Ray Broms
Andrea Dudek
Roberta Schaffner

2010-2011 Foy Scalf (Librarian)
Laura Hozlweg
Jill Waller
Monique Vincent

Ray Broms
Stephanie Duran
Andrea Dudek
Roberta Schaffner

2009-2010 Foy Scalf (Librarian)
Laura Holzweg
Lori Calabria
Monique Vincent
Jill Waller

Ray Broms
Stephanie Duran
Andrea Dudek
Mary Louise Jackowicz
James Tillapaugh

2008-2009 Foy Scalf (Librarian)
Kathryn Anthony
Lori Calabria
Laura Holzweg
Hannah Kooperkamp
Matthew McAffee

Susan Bazargan
Ray Broms
Joe Diamond
Stephanie Duran

2007-2008 Foy Scalf (Librarian)
Laura Cappe
Laura Holzweg
Erika Morey
Kenneth Yu

2006-2007 Magnus Widell (Librarian)
Foy Scalf
Annie Caruso
Camran Cross
Kenneth Yu

2005-2006 Magnus Widell (Librarian)
Foy Scalf
Annie Caruso
Camran Cross
Alexander Eger
Seunghee Yie

2004-2005 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Foy Scalf
Benjamin Trofatter

2003-2004 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Michael Beetley
Foy Scalf
Benjamin Trofatter

2002-2003 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Eudora Bernsen
Foy Scalf
Kathy Wagner

2001-2002 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Vanessa Davies
Emily Hartsay
Sandra Morrison
Kathy Wagner
Alexandra Witsell

2000-2001 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Jacob Lauinger M
ark Saathoff
Leslie Schramer
Alexandra Witsell

1999-2000 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Jacob Lauinger
Mark Saathoff
Katherine Strange

1998-1999 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Aaron Burke
Alexandra O’Brien
Tamara Siuda
Katherine Strange

1997-1998 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Hratch Papazian
Alexandra O'Brien
Justine Way

1996-1997 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Hratch Papazian
Alexandra O'Brien
Justine Way

1995-1996 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Alexandra O'Brien
Justine Way

1994-1995 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Gregory Munson
Rachel Dahl

1993-1994 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Belinda Monahan
Gregory Munson

1992-1993 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Paul Cobb
Terry Wilfong

1991-1992 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Paul Cobb
Terry Wilfong

1990-1991 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Paul Cobb
Terry Wilfong

1989-1990 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Anthony Tomasino
Terry Wilfong

1988-1989 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Anthony Tomasino
Terry Wilfong

1987-1988 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Terry Wilfong

1986-1987 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Terry Wilfong

1985-1986 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Terry Wilfong

1984-1985 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Jonathan Elias
Gary Greig
Christine Riddle
Margaret Schroeder
Donald Vance

1983-1984 Charles E. Jones (Librarian)
Steven Boozer
John Meloy
David Testen

1982-1983 Alice Figundio Schneider (Librarian until March)
Charles E. Jones (Librarian from March 1983)
John Meloy
David Testen
Rich Graber
Mike Krausman

1981-1982 Alice Figundio Schneider (Librarian)
Nina Bruhns
David Baird
Steven Boozer

1980-1981 Alice Figundio Schneider (Librarian)
Elizabeth Garner
Jonathan Goodman
Pam Sears
Talvi Laev
Afshin Amir-Alikhani

1979-1980 Richard L. Zettler (until January 1980)
Alice Figundio (from January 1980)
Elizabeth Garner
Jonathan Goodman
David Testen

1978-1979 Richard L. Zettler (Librarian) (Frank Yurco during Zettler’s absence in Iraq)
John Currid
Alice Figundio
David Testen

1977-1978 Richard L. Zettler (Librarian)
Luanne Buchanan
Lorelei Corcoran
Robert Ritner

1976-1977 Richard L. Zettler (Librarian)
Lorelei Corcoran
Terry Hofeld-Church
Robert Ritner

1975-1976 Charles C. Van Siclen, III (Librarian)
Howard M. Farber
John A. Larson
George C. Moore
Ida McPherson
Ann Roth

1974-1975 Charles C. Van Siclen, III (Librarian)
Howard M. Farber
John A. Larson
Margaret C. Root

1973-1974 Charles C. Van Siclen, III (Librarian)
John A. Larson
Frank Yurco
Richard L. Zettler

Before 9/1973 Howard Berman (Librarian)

Archival Photofiles, [apf2-05480], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
Alphabetical list of persons who worked in the Oriental Institute Research Archives
Annotated with information on completed dissertations and continuing envolvement Ancient Near Eastern Studies / academia.

Archival Photofiles, [apf2-05486], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The OI in Museum Analytics

Museum Analytics is an interesting new project
...for sharing and discussing information about museums and their audiences. For each museum there is a daily updated report with information about online and offline audiences. These reports are an essential tool for communication departments to evaluate and understand their progress.
It tabulates social media metrics related to  more than 3000 museums, including the Oriental Institute Museum. Interested persons can subscribe to weekly or monthly updates for the museums of their choice.